My tips
The map of Paris with monuments related to Versailles
1 - L’hôtel de Beauvais au 68 rue François Miron, 75004
The Hotel de Beauvais was a gift to Cateau la Borgnesse as a thank you for taking Louis XIV’s virginity. She had been chosen for her ugliness (so that the king would not fall in love with her). It now houses the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris.
2. The house of Gros Millan au 22 rue Beaujolais, 75001
In the heart of the Palais-Royal district, the hotspot of prostitution, was the Maison du Gros Millan: the first condom store in France. To avoid offending anyone, the saleswomen were trained to evaluate the required size by eye... Today it is a bar!
3. L’hôtel de Soubise au 60 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003
The mansion, now a museum of the National Archives, contains priceless pieces such as the standard meter and the standard kilogram of 1799, the diary of Louis XVI and the Oath of the Palm Game.
The director Sofia Coppola shot scenes from Marie-Antoinette in 2006, which were supposed to depict the salons of the Château de Versailles.
4 - The Carnavalet Museum at 23 rue de Sévigné, 75003
The Carnavalet Museum - History of Paris is the Parisian municipal museum dedicated to the history of Paris from the origins of the city to the present day. You will find 3 shoes of Marie-Antoinette: her pink slipper, covered with sequins and pearls at the time of her splendor as queen of France, her shoe supposedly from the Tuileries, which testifies to her fall, and the one she would have worn at her execution on October 16, 1793.
5 - The Conciergerie at 2 bd du Palais, 75001
The Conciergerie was one of the main places of detention during the French Revolution with the installation of the revolutionary court. Marie-Antoinette was locked up there.
6 - The hôtel d’Albret located 29bis and 31 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004
This hotel, was heritage listed 1889, now houses the Direction des Affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris. In the 18th century, it was one of the most famous social salons.
The aim was to provide entertainment, sophisticated conversation and good taste. Two of the king's mistresses, Athénais de Montespan and Françoise Scarron, who became Madame de Maintenon, entertained at the Hôtel d'Albret.
7 - The city hall (formerly the place de grève) pl. de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004
Before being the home of the Parisian municipality, the square was a key place for executions under the Ancien Régime and the Revolution. It was also a port, the unemployed gathered to find work. Some unloaded goods, others were hired at the market of the square.
From the 19th century onwards, the Place de Grève became the rallying point for disgruntled workers who demanded better working conditions or wage increases. This is where the French word for ‘strike’ comes from: ‘greve’.
8 - The Comédie Française located Place Colette, 75001
Our dear Louis XIV had brought together the two Parisian theatrical troupes (the one at the Hôtel de Bourgogne and the one at the Hôtel Guénégaud). By royal order, he created the renowned Comédie Française.
9 - The Palais Galliera Fashion Museum at 10 Av. Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75016
Are you passionate enough about fashion to make Emily from Emily in Paris green with envy? This place is for you. Not many of Marie-Antoinette's clothing remains because most of them were destroyed during the French Revolution, but some outfits were still preserved! The museum has the world's first collection of 18th century dresses.
10 - Rue Saint-Honoré
​For fashion lovers, stroll down rue Saint-Honoré where Marie-Antoinette's favorite dressmaker, Madame Rose Bertin, first had a store at n° 234 and later in front of the church of St Roch. They met twice a week and Rose was nicknamed "Fashion Minister”.
The 5 Parisian cafés where you can feel like Marie-Antoinette
1. Nina’s Paris
Place Vendôme, 29 rue Danielle Casanova, 75001
2. Café de la Paix
5 Place de l'Opéra, 75009
3. Le Procope
rue de l'Ancienne Comédie,75006
4. Angelina
226 rue de Rivoli, 75001
5. Café Antonia
112 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008